Happy Roo Concept
As the name itself suggests, we value happy learning journey of a child more than anything else. Happy Roo employs a combination of Dutch and Japanese learning model. Children in the Netherlands are among the happiest in the world. Dutch has a reputation for “valuing diversity and being very inclusive.” Growing up in a culture where everyone’s unique gifts are celebrated, and children feel like they can be who they want to be without being judged, is likely to be happier. Every kid is precious and unique in their own way, they deserve a happy childhood.
While Japan is renowned for its excellent education system and is the top-performing OECD country in reading literacy, math, and sciences. With integration with Japanese education model, we tend to create a holistic education approach with solid academic ability, rich humanity and a healthy body throughout the entire school life including not only lessons but also extracurricular activities.

We also integrate eLearning model into our education system. Effective eLearning as a preparation or review component of an overall learning journey significantly increases the learning output from traditional workshop-based approaches.